
Live weather data from Mumbles and other weather stuff.

Current data from Thistleboon weather station.

Present temperature

Wind related info

Wind speed

wind source

Gust speed

Beaufort wind scale conversion chart

Present pressure (hpa)

Todays and hourly rainfall

Click on the line for a specific point in time and amount of rain.

Present ultra violet index.

For information on active thunder storms, now, click ……..

For BBC weather warnings click……..

To view the latest shipping forecast for all UK sea areas click……..


For high and low tide times and heights in this area. click……..

Bracelet Bay

To get more info on cloud types, their heights and see images of them, click ….. here …..
then click on the green spots to see pictures and more detailed descriptions .

For local tide times click…here

For weather forecasts etc., from broadcast stations, click…here

Identify clouds